Environmental Health Science

Environmental Health Science

The EHS curriculum provides a fundamental knowledge of environmental health within a broad basic sciences background, with emphasis on the evaluation and control of major environmental health problems such as water supply, waste disposal, food hygiene, occupational health, air pollution, and others. The application of environmental health knowledge, principles and methods is vital for the health and safety of populations in the world, and environmental health is a principal area of study in the field of public health. Environmental health scientists work on assessing, managing, controlling, and preventing environmental risks through research, advocacy, and intervention at the community, national and global level.

The EH undergraduate program offers courses provided by the various departments of FHS toward completion of required courses for the major, along with numerous elective courses selected from other faculties and departments in the university so as to meet the general university core requirements. Students enrolled in the EH program blend theoretical knowledge with applied training through a combination of learning experiences in classroom, laboratory and field settings.

Our environment and health are pivotal to today’s world and future; this requires individuals who are qualified with a broad knowledge of the continuously evolving health sciences field. Health is the focal point to humanity and without proper health; our existence would be at stake. The general quality of life, health care and service are becoming a concern as environmental and health institutions have been relatively successful in outperforming disciplinary expectations.

Students develop skills and knowledge for careers in the public health and environmental management sectors. Studies focus on the physical environment and its links with human health. Students gain an understanding of public health and sustainable development principles, human / environment interactions, environment and public health planning, and approaches used to identify, assess and manage risks from environmental hazards. Courses include cell biology, chemistry, human physiology, public health foundations, environmental health risk management, biodiversity and ecology.

Bachelors Diplomas