Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation

Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation

This programme is designed to strengthen the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of interventions by governments, civil society and non-government organizations as well as development partners in Africa through the development and enhancement of capacity for evaluation.

The Program is also intended to develop a long-term strategy to create training opportunities for graduates at higher levels of the education system. While existing programs have tended to focus on in-country context, the Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation is global and gives generally accepted knowledge and skills across different countries.

With its focus on a wider African context, the knowledge, skills and competencies imparted in the revised master’s degree can be applied anywhere in the world. The program adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and orientation throughout the content delivery and assessment.

Career Options

With the skills and knowledge gained from the Master of Monitoring and Evaluation programme at Cyber Institute, you will be well-prepared for various career opportunities in the field of monitoring and evaluation. Some potential career paths include:

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: You can work as a specialist in monitoring and evaluation for organizations such as government agencies, international organizations, NGOs, and private consulting firms. Your responsibilities may include designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, conducting data analysis, and providing recommendations for improving program performance.
  2. Project Manager: With your expertise in monitoring and evaluation, you can work as a project manager overseeing development projects and programs. You will be responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating projects to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency.
  3. Program Coordinator: You can work as a program coordinator, managing and coordinating monitoring and evaluation efforts across different programs and projects within an organization. Your responsibilities may include designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation plans, analyzing data, and providing insights for program improvement.
  4. Research Analyst: You can work as a research analyst, conducting data analysis and evaluation studies to assess the impact and effectiveness of programs and policies. Your findings will inform decision-making processes and contribute to evidence-based policy development.
  5. Evaluation Consultant: You can work as an independent consultant, providing monitoring and evaluation services to various organizations. Your responsibilities may include designing and implementing evaluation plans, conducting data analysis, and providing recommendations for program improvement.
  6. Capacity Building Specialist: You can work as a capacity building specialist, providing training and support to organizations in developing their own monitoring and evaluation systems. Your responsibilities may include building the capacity of organizations in monitoring and evaluation methodologies and tools.
  7. Policy Analyst: With your expertise in monitoring and evaluation, you can work as a policy analyst, analyzing the effectiveness and impact of policies and programs, and providing recommendations for policy development and improvement.
  8. Development Officer: You can work as a development officer, managing and implementing development projects and programs for international organizations, governments, and NGOs. Your skills in monitoring and evaluation will be invaluable in assessing program performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Programme Objectives

The Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation is intended to;

  • Impart up-to date knowledge, skills and competencies on evaluation of government projects, policies and programs for efficient delivery of expected results.
  • Produce evaluation experts with public management skills and competencies in making critical decisions that affect delivery of public services at all levels of society.
  • Produce graduates who can design, conduct and manage evaluations.
  • Produce monitoring and evaluation policy analysts for government and other actors.

Programme Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be expected to:

  1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of evaluation theory and practice; and apply understandings of evaluation theory and methods to a range of professional settings.
  2. Demonstrate an appreciation of professional responsibilities and ethical principles that should characterize leaders in the evaluation field.
  3. Design, conduct and manage evaluations for complex organizations.
  4. Plan and execute evaluation and monitoring consultancy assignments to the satisfaction of clients.
  5. Manage development projects, including undertaking social assessment, and advising on their cultural and social impacts.

Target Group

The target audience cuts across national and regional levels.  Monitoring & Evaluation professionals and advisors involved with the implementation of projects and /or programs at national, regional and local government levels will specifically benefit from attending this program. The program will also benefit officers in government, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and all national and sub-national level institutional with interest in M&E matters. Those who wish to build their academic career in evaluation as lecturers will find this course as a very important foundational step.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the Master’s program must meet the general requirements for admission to Graduate Programmes set by Higher Education Authority (HEA) through Gideon Robert University. Specifically, applicants must possess the following;

  1. A Bachelor’s degree with at least lower second-class honors from a recognized institution; OR
  2. A professional qualification equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized professional body.


  1. A postgraduate diploma in Project Planning and Management, Monitoring and Evaluation or related disciplines from recognized Institution of higher learning may receive some exemptions based on the Credit Transfer policy.
  2. Working experience will be an added advantage.

Program Duration

The program will extend over a period of three academic semesters. An academic semester shall consist of six months or 15 weeks of lectures.

The Program can also be done on fast track which can be agreed on between the institution and the applicant.

Program Options

Specific topical content in the Programme includes:
Development Theories and Strategies, Development Management, Introduction to Development Monitoring and Evaluation, Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis, Monitoring Evaluation tools and frameworks, Consultancy Management, Grant management and Evaluation, Project Management Information Systems, among others.

Fees per semester

Fees per semesterFunctional FeesApplication Fees
K6500 / $450K1470 / $95K250 / $25

International Students

International students pay international student tuition fees which is rated in dollars and this specifically covers only the cost of teaching and many student support services.

Bachelors Masters