Masters in Project Planning and Management

Masters in Project Planning and Management

The programme aims at providing participants with knowledge and skills necessary for effective performance in the role of project manager. It adopts a generic approach to project management and is designed for projects in construction and engineering, events management, research and development, community services, trade, tourism and agricultural projects.

The Master’s degree in Project Planning and Management is designed for graduates of any field of study. It provides participants with the opportunity to study project planning and management at a broader and advanced level. Special emphasis is placed on both the practical and theoretical aspects of the discipline. The course is suitable for all people working in all organisations specifically Public Service, NGOs, and Private Sector Organisations.

Programme Objectives

The Master of Science in Project Management seeks to develop students into Project Management leaders ready to tackle the challenges of today’s development projects in global environment. To this end the programme aims to:

  • To provide students with the background and skills in project management so that they can understand the basics needed to begin to work as a project manager.
  • To expose students to some of the key socio-economic issues and challenges in the project management.
  • To provide a service learning opportunity so that students can get direct experience interacting with a local profit and non -profit organisation that works either internationally or domestically on socio-economic issues.
  • Understanding that project management means and how it improves the success of information technology projects.
  • Demonstrating knowledge of project management terms and techniques, such as; triple constraint of project management, project management knowledgeable areas and process groups, project life cycle and tools of project management.
  • To use Microsoft project and other office productivity software to help plan and manage a project.
  • To appreciate the importance of good project management.

Programme Outcomes

The programme is designed to build on the broad foundation of knowledge and experience of students. The programme is designed to blend theory and practical skills to enable students effectively apply the knowledge they acquire in day to day business management. In particular, the program is designed:

  • To provide an advanced study to the students with the background and skills in project management so that they can understand the basics needed to begin to work as a project manager and manage projects effectively.
  • To provide opportunity for career development of management skills and knowledge at professional and senior management level.
  • To develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and Project management.
  • To improve business and project management practice in innovative ways to provide an opportunity for the enhancement of learning skills and personal development to work in a self-directed way to contribute to the organisation and wider business community stakeholders.

Target Group

The target audience cuts across national and regional levels.  Monitoring & Evaluation professionals and advisors involved with the implementation of projects and /or programs at national, regional and local government levels will specifically benefit from attending this program. The program will also benefit officers in government, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and all national and sub-national level institutional with interest in M&E matters. Those who wish to build their academic career in evaluation as lecturers will find this course as a very important foundational step.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the Master’s program must meet the general requirements for admission to Graduate Programmes set by Higher Education Authority (HEA) through Gideon Robert University. Specifically, applicants must possess the following;

  1. A Bachelor’s degree with at least lower second-class honors from a recognized institution; OR
  2. A professional qualification equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized professional body.


  1. A postgraduate diploma in Project Planning and Management, Monitoring and Evaluation or related disciplines from recognized Institution of higher learning may receive some exemptions based on the Credit Transfer policy.
  2. Working experience will be an added advantage.
Program Duration

The program will extend over a period of three academic semesters. An academic semester shall consist of six months or 15 weeks of lectures.

The Program can also be done on fast track which can be agreed on between the institution and the applicant.

Program Outline

PPM 8111Project Risk Management
MRTM8000Research Methods
PPM 8113Organisational Behaviour
PPM 8114Project Planning & Management
PPM 8115Management Information System
MCAR8000Computer Applications in Research
PPM 8121Financial Management
PPM 8122Project Cost  Management
PPM 8123Project Monitoring & Evaluation
PPM 8124Consultancy Skills & Management
PPM 8125Strategic Planning & Management
PPM 8126Quantitative Methods
PPM 8211Proposal Writing (Seminars & Workshops)
MACA8000Scholarly Writing & Publishing Skills
PPM 8213Project Procurement Management
Fees per semester
Fees per semesterFunctional FeesApplication Fees
K6500 / $450K1470 / $95K250 / $25

International Students

International students pay international student tuition fees which is rated in dollars and this specifically covers only the cost of teaching and many student support services.

Bachelors Masters